RP Engineering

Storage system


We design and construct different kind of storage hopper and bunker

All storage hopper are customizable for the different requirement of the customer, furthermore we supply the automatization to integrate the storage in your process.


Strong construction, 24/7 operations

Low energy

Optimezed design for lower energy consumption

Walking beam storage

Capacity from 10 to 1000 m3 in concrete, steel or containers 20” or 40”

rp engineering

Bunker storage with screws bottom

Capacity from 2 to 40 m3, to discharge bulk material and dosign product in industrial process.


Not only dryers, but also all the necessary accessories

Our production range is completed with different types of loading tanks, with auger bottoms or with moving floors for feeding the material into the dryers, augers and sleeve filters, which complete the system in compliance with current regulations.

We have a long and proud history givin emphasis to environment social and economic outcomes to deliver places that respond too the complex global forces shaping our future

Low maintenance

Very low maintenance cost due to anti-wear materials and optimized design

Accurate metering

For dosing product in process like drying, refining

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